Profitable Home Based Businesses

There are a lot of people that are looking for profitable home based businesses. With the convenience of staying at home, comes a lifestyle second to none. Your time is your own and you can devote the amount of time to your business that you require to make it profitable. Perhaps the only downside to a home based business is that it does take time to get up and running and that when it becomes successful, it can end up taking too much of your time.Divide your thinking into two categories. Service based and /or product based businesses. Service based businesses can mean smaller setup cost and better cash flow, but product based businesses can mean bigger profits with higher turnover.Here are some great ideas for a home based business.Service Based Businesses1) Provide an answering service for mobile salesmen. Most sales people are on the road and with the event of mobile phones, can find themselves under siege by telephone customers when they least need to be. Ring around the various sales people, introduce your business and give estimates on your cost. Arrange meetings to present your business on a professional level and to seal the deals.2) Child minding services are in high demand with more people moving into a workforce that is short on labor. This can mean some initial setup costs and licensing requirements, but can be very profitable for the provider.3) Telephone translation services. If you have a second language you can provide this service with ease. If you don’t, consider getting some training and learn the language of your choice. By providing a translation service you will find readily available work. To keep this at home you can advise your customers of a three way telephone conversation method. This skill and business can also take you may places if you like travel.4) Medical practitioners often require voice to document translation services. They record their note on a voice recorder, email it to your service and you type the document out and return to the sender. This translation service does require some knowledge of medical terminology, but can grow into a large business. Check with your local medical centers as to the demand for this service. Check internet sources for services already operating.Product Based Businesses.1) Computer sales and repairs is a big area demand and to setup a local home based business can be easily done. You may require some computer skills but nothing that can’t be learn from the internet or other service people. The great advantage of this type of business is that it does not cost a great amount to start up and has no large outgoing costs.2) Small engine sales and repairs are something that can be done from your garage. Parts and service catalog’s are relatively cheap. Advertising is a critical part of this business as you will not have direct street frontage for your business. Beware of local bylaws and upsetting neighbors.3) Internet based buying and selling of goods is a newer type of business alternative. Make sure you investigate your products and know your markets before entering this area of home based business.For more information on how to invest visit the “I Trade Options” website

Real Estate Marketing With Social Networking

Having a well rounded online real estate marketing strategy means taking the time to incorporate your social networking efforts with your overall plan. This doesn’t mean that you will market your real estate business the same way on your social networks as you do on your blog and SEO as there are different techniques that you will need to implement to achieve success.With social networks one of the most essential methods is to understand that you need to provide value before your network will be able to help you. Providing value to your network doesn’t take massive amounts of effort, it just takes a focus on the needs of those you are connected with.Here are three methods to focus on that will help you to provide value and to turn your social networking efforts into a powerful real estate marketing machine.

Organize your groups – Organize those that are in your network into related groups. These could include groups like local real estate professionals, friends, affiliates, and even referral agents. The more organized you keep your groups the easier it is to effectively communicate with them by providing them the information they need. When you provide the information they crave they will identify you as the key source of information and want to give back.

Status Updates – Status updates are one of the easiest ways to provide value and get the conversation going with those in your network. Whether you update your status through networks like Twitter, Facebook, or another application it is essential to focus your updates on what your network needs. This could mean sharing links of new websites you have found, commenting on the inventory in your area, or just sharing something interesting you did over the weekend. A balance of updates will keep the conversation and allow those in your network to show interest in the topics that they connect with the most.

Reach Out – Taking a marketing approach to your social networking means more than just sending out updates. Social networking allows you to easily connect and determine what the needs are of those in your network. Take time to reach out to those in your network through commenting and direct e-mails to determine what their true needs are. Their needs may not be something you can solve, but take the time to listen, and maybe even connect them with someone in your network who can solve the problem.
Real estate marketing within your social network means balancing your needs with those you are connected with. Having an overall focus on providing value will allow both strangers and those who you are connected with to help you with your real estate goals.

Reasons to Avoid Mortgage Life Insurance

Please see below on why you should consider owning an independent life insurance policy (or term life) vs mortgage insurance (creditor insurance) sold from the bank:1. Post-Underwriting – Bank insurance is post underwritten. Companies investigate the eligibility AFTER a claim has been made; ie you may be paying premiums for years and in the event of a tragedy your loved ones may discover you never qualified for the insurance in the first place.2. Cost – Often, mortgage life insurance with less features and flexibility actually costs MORE than an independently owned insurance policy.3. Portability – If you buy the coverage from your lender, it may disappear if you refinance, however in the case of a new lender it will require a new policy based on attained age at that time. Just as you want to avoid depending on your employer’s life insurance coverage, in case you change jobs, you should also make sure your insurance isn’t going to vanish just because you found a better mortgage.4. Named beneficiary – The proceeds if something were to happen will bypass your loved ones. Mortgage insurance plans purchased through the bank automatically pay off your loan no matter what situation your family faces at your death. An individual life insurance policy lets you name your spouse or children as beneficiaries, giving them flexibility to pay off the mortgage when they feel the time is right.5. Declining benefit – As mentioned above the banks creditor policy is a declining benefit ie the benefits may vanish before your eyes. Mortgage insurance benefits gradually decline in an attempt to match the declining balance of your debt (declining benefit). Those plans are like a runaway train, you may move into a bigger house with a bigger mortgage, but the death benefit keeps shrinking anyway. Buying an individual life insurance policy keeps you in the driver’s seat, letting you lower the benefits as you see fit or keeping a level benefit for life.6. Convertibility – An individually owned term insurance policy in most cases will allow the policy to be converted without medical to a permanent (life long) solution. A creditor insurance policy owned through the bank does not provide this benefit, which is especially important if one gets sick and can no longer qualify for coverage.7. Preferred underwriting – an independently pre-underwriten policy allows the insurer to determine if you qualify for “preferred” rates which will lower premiums even further8. Consolidation of benefits – by combining your mortgage insurance, with other insurance needs such as income replacement, child care, education etc you will benefit from fees saved on multiple policies and tiered discounts (typically insurance companies discount in 250K bands of insurance), along with simplicity of understanding how much coverage you have in one place. With a bank you can only insure your mortgage.9. Discussed with a licensed insurance professional – Most bank staff selling creditor mortgage insurance are unqualified and unlicensed in life insurance. Licensed professionals shop the market10. Shop the market – buying an independent life insurance policy from a licensed broker allows the market to be shopped to find the best possible solution from a wide range of insurers. Banks often work with only 1 insurance company to provide a singular solution. Furthermore, licensed professional have a responsbility to sell based on a Needs Based approach and can accurately assess your needs.Lastly, while looking at life insurance, make sure to consider disability and critical illness insurance in case you become unable to pay your mortgage due to serious illness or injury.Please contact your local independent life insurance expert to evaluate your options.